Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - SPECOPS - Intel Locations - Operation Brimstone
Map above, video below, title says it all. No rant this time but I gotta call out these guys for the complete lack of situational awareness they provide in this guide.
Note: The video is in Hungarian but you’ll get the idea 😉

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - SPECOPS - Intel Locations - Operation Stronbox (Veteran playthrough for Yegor's Chilled Out skin)
Map above, video below, title says it all. No rant this time but I had to restrain myself. I am just amazed by how some YouTube gaming channels encourage not playing the objective and generally uncooperative gameplay. It would have taken just a miniscule amount of thought and effort to list the intels in the order that they are most convenient to pick up in a single playthrough.
Note: The video is in Hungarian but you’ll get the idea 😉

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - SPECOPS - Intel Locations - Operation Paladin
Map above, video below. No rant this time.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - SPECOPS - Intel Locations - Operation Headhunter + Rant
In the good old days if you wanted to get all the collectibles in a game you googled something like <name-of-game><[collectibles/secrets/whatever]> “map” and you got a map that solved most of your problems. Not any more. It’s just YouTube videos that don’t even list the collectibles in the order that is most convenient to pick them up.